The average house price on BARRA CLOSE is £269,709
The most expensive house in the street is 2 BARRA CLOSE with an estimated value of £312,116
The cheapest house in the street is 7 BARRA CLOSE with an estimated value of £200,216
The house which was most recently sold was 7 BARRA CLOSE, this sold on 6 May 2022 for £195,000
The postcode for BARRA CLOSE is HU8 9JB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BARRA CLOSE Detached £310,348 £67,000 18 Dec 1998
2 BARRA CLOSE Detached £312,116 £115,000 5 Sep 2002
4 BARRA CLOSE Detached , 99 m2 £253,668 £210,000 20 Aug 2020
7 BARRA CLOSE Detached , 105 m2 £200,216 £195,000 6 May 2022
8 BARRA CLOSE Detached £293,987 £81,000 12 Dec 2000
9 BARRA CLOSE Detached , 137 m2 £247,921 £199,500 11 Dec 2018